Mark Laverty

Concert Pianist

Filtering by Tag: LCMS

Next Week: Three Concerts and One Radio Interview!

Tuesday, October 13th will be a busy day as I play two 30-minute concerts of Bach and Liszt at the beautiful International Center Chapel (see pic) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod at 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.  for our "good and faithful servants" of Christ there. The Chapel is all glass, much like the Crystal Cathedral.

Selections will include the English Suite in G minor, by Bach, and the Chorale arrangement of 'What God Ordains Is Always Good', which occurs at the end of Liszt's Variations on a theme from [Bach's Cantata] 'Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen', S. 180.  After this, we will have some good, hearty singing of that hymn.

Prior to all of this, I will make a guest appearance on the KFUO radio program entitled "Law & Gospel", with host Rev. Tom Baker at 9:30am.  This is a program that helps people understand and clarify the proper and necessary distinctions between Law and Gospel as they occur in the Bible, and as we apply them to our daily lives. 

This theological, Christian doctrine is likely THE MOST misunderstood and misused doctrine in all of Christianity.  When properly understood and applied, it helps us to understand the Bible, our relationship to God, our gracious salvation in Jesus Christ, and how to interpret reality the way God thinks. Learn more about this program at

If you live in the St. Louis area, tune your radio to AM 850. Or, you can tune in worldwide to stream the interview online.  

Then, on Thursday, October 15, I get to perform for the lovely residents at the Willows of Brooking Park.  This is a private engagement, but one I eagerly anticipate because they LOVE Classical Piano Music, and they have a marvelous Grand Piano in their fine acoustic Theater.  Here I will play a variety of Bach and Chopin, and perhaps a 'Witch's Dance', by American composer, Edward MacDowell, in anticipation of HALLOWEEN!  A busy, but fun, Fall week, to be sure! 

Please check my schedule for other upcoming performances, and contact me with any questions.  Cheers!

Join Me at My Alma Mater!

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day. Hopefully you've have had a fun, relaxing weekend!

Coming up this Friday, September 11th, the Alumni of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will gather together to perform at the "Friends of Music Alumni Recital", 7:30pm in the Dunham Hall Theater. SIUE is my alma-mater, and it is indeed an honor to perform with this impressive group of talented musicians! This is a free performance, and all are welcome. There will be a reception after for SIUE Alumni. I'll be performing Polonaise in A-flat Major, Op. 53 ‘Heroic’, by Frederic Chopin.

On Sunday, September 20th, you'll find me at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Jackson, Missouri. I'll be offering a Bach and Liszt recital at 4:00pm. The performance is free and open to all! (You could make a day of it, joining them for worship in the morning then return later for the concert!)

Be sure to stop by and say hello, and check my schedule for more upcoming events.